Privacy Policy

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Here at the Otorhinolaryngology Institute & Head and Neck Surgery – IOU you do not need to worry about the safety of your data. Your information is in absolute secrecy. We prioritize the privacy and security of our clients throughout the navigation and purchase processes at our website. All registered data (name, address, Tax ID number) will never be sold or exchanged. They shall be disclosed to third parties only where such information is necessary for delivery and collection purposes. Your personal data is critical for the safe arrival of your order.

We use cookies and information from your browser session in order to profile the audience visiting the website, so we can improve our services, products and content, ensuring the best deals and special offers for you. Throughout this process, we maintain your information in absolute secrecy. It is important to mention that your data is automatically recorded by the Institute of Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery – IOU, without human manipulation.

What is the LGPD?

The General Data Protection Law – LGPD (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados – Law No. 13.709/2018) regulates the processing of personal data from clients and users by public and private companies.

What are cookies?

These are small text files (cookies) sent to your browser, containing records about your behavior when you access a website. We use cookies, pixels, and other technologies (collectively, “cookies”) to recognize your browser or device, learn more about your interests, provide essential features and services, and also to:

• Track your preferences to send only ads that might interest you. You can set your preferences through your account;

  • Track items stored in your shopping cart;
  • Carrying out research and diagnostics to improve content, products and services;
  • Prevent fraudulent activities;
  • Improve safety.
  • We use both first-party and third-party cookies on our website.
    First-Party Cookies are issued by the “” domain and are generally used to identify language and local preferences or facilitate basic website functionality.
    Third-party cookies belong to and are managed by other companies, such as businesses partners of the Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery Institute – IOU or service providers. These cookies may be necessary to produce certain forms, such as employment applications, or to allow some advertisement outside Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery Institute – IOU website.
    Session Cookies Session cookies are used to temporarily store your information during the course of your visit to the website, and they expire when you close the browser.
    Persistent Cookies
    Persistent cookies are used to store your website preferences and remain on your desktop or mobile device even after you close your browser or restart it. We use these cookies to analyze your behavior and set standards so that we can improve the

functionality of our website for you and others visiting our website. These cookies also allow us to offer targeted ads and measure the effectiveness of our website, in addition to the functionality of such ads.

How are cookies used for the purpose of ads?

Cookies and ad technologies such as “web beacons”, “pixels” and “tags” of ad networks help us deliver relevant ads more effectively. They also help us collect consolidated data for auditing, research, and performance reporting purposes for advertisers.

Pixels allow us to understand and improve the ads we show you, and let you know when certain ads have already been presented to you. As your browser can request ads and “web beacons” directly from ad network servers, these networks can view, edit, or set up their own cookies, as if you had accessed a web page from their website.

Although we do not use cookies to create a profile of your browsing behavior on third- party websites, we use consolidated information from such third-parties to show you relevant advertisements based on your interest. We do not provide advertisers with any information we collect. You may choose not to view the ads outside the website and/or third-parties’ by adjusting your cookie settings. This will not remove the ads from the pages you visit, but instead will result in ads that are not based on your interest.

How are third-party cookies used?

For some of the functions within our website, we use third-party vendors, for example, when you visit a page with an embedded or YouTube video. These videos or links (and any other content from third-party providers) may contain third-party cookies, and we recommend that you refer to the privacy policies of these third-parties on their website for information regarding your use of cookies.

How we use the personal data we collect

The User is aware that he/she provides information in a conscious and voluntary way through [forms/etc], or through the websites operated by the Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery Institute – IOU. When the user registers and/or completes the forms offered by the Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery Institute – IOU, or on the websites operated by it, certain personal requested data will be kept in confidence and will be used only for the purpose that motivated the registration, according to Purpose field.

In order to keep these data safe, avoid sharing your password with others, even with friends and family.

Protection and safety of forms

This website is protected by reCAPTCHA and Google. By using it you also agree to the Privacy Policy and to the Terms of Service of these platforms.

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