Medical Residency

Our medical residency program emphasizes theoretical and practical activities. It aims at ample exposure of the otolaryngologist in training to all areas of the specialty, while providing all technical and material subsidies for the diagnosis and treatment of otolaryngological and head and neck diseases. Clinical and surgical practice extends also off-campus, with activities in the State Hospital of Sumaré, Specialty clinic (AME) in Santa Bárbara D’Oeste, and the Regional Hospital of Piracicaba and the Regional Hospital of Divinolândia. The program stimulates critical thinking in research and international exchange. Students are encouraged to take part in research projects and graduate programs at the School of Medical Sciences of Unicamp, by the end of the three-year residency program, to obtain master or doctorate degrees.

Undergraduate courses

Medicine: medical students rotating in IOU are exposed to otorhinolaryngological conditions for the general practitioner, focusing on history and examination for diagnosis of such conditions and correct referral to a specialist, when needed. Speech-Language Course: exposes the student to otorhinolaryngological disorders, introducing the future professional to the core practices of the various areas in otorhinolaryngology. Gives a broad, clear view of how close these two professions are.

Extension Courses

(Fellowship and training programs)

They aim to deepen the knowledge of the Health Professional, physician or not, in specific areas of otorhinolaryngology and head and neck surgery. Programs offer training for thorough and focused care of all ages and of acute or chronic conditions, surgical procedures and a multi-professional approach. Programs currently offered:

  • Specialization in Head and Neck Surgery
  • Specialization in Plastic Surgery/Facial Esthetic
  • Specialization in Laryngology
  • Specialization in Otology
  • Specialization in Otoneurology
  • Specialization in Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
  • Specialization in Rhinology Internship Encompassing practice and theory, the Training and Internship Programs for Health Professionals offer activities which grant, update, or supplement knowledge in specific areas. The goal is to provide the community with updates in otolaryngology and head and neck surgery, promote scientific and technical development of individuals as well as the population.

Technical Visit

If you are a professional or a student in a Health Specialization Course, or even a supplier who wishes visit IOU, you may contact us.
1 – Visits must be scheduled by e-mail at At least fifteen (15) days advance is required.
2 – Groups with a maximum five (5) people are allowed in visits (larger groups will be analysed case-by-case).
3– Groups are asked to abide to silence, safety and confidentiality rules.

Medical Production

The IOU Research Program aims to support infrastructure and logistics through planning, development and completion of research projects, so as to enable publications with high qualitative and quantitative standards, with mentors in all areas of otorhinolaryngology and head and neck surgery. In practical terms, we promote personal and professional development in an inclusive way, with the best working conditions and opportunities, with promotion, integration, training and valuation of the researcher’s career plan, based on professional performance. Thus, we will provide conditions that favor the researcher’s exclusive and integral dedication to the IOU in an innovative and up-to-date way.

Clinical Research

Our research focuses on scientific updates, robotics, biotechnology, digital intelligence, data generation and management. Our Clinical Research Program aims at sustainability and integrated development with Unicamp’s high technology pole. It is composed of the secretariat, management, and development of research, with statistical support and translation, so that it is attractive to the researcher.

Research Ethics Committee – CEP (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa)

The Research Ethics Committee – CEP of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) is responsible for the evaluation and follow-up of the ethical aspects of all research involving human beings. This role is established in various ethics guidelines, international (Declaration of Helsinki, International Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Beings CIOMS), and Brazilian (Resolution CNS 466/12 and others), which emphasize the need for ethical review of research involving humans or animals, to safeguard dignity, rights, safety, and well-being of research participants.

CEP contributes to the quality of research and to the discussion of the role of research in the institutional development and social development of the community. It also contributes to the appreciation of the researcher, who receives the recognition of an ethically appropriate proposal.